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Opportunity to acquire glass bottle factory in Uruguay
Bids for the acquisition of Alenvidrio will be received on August 29. The minimum base to acquire the factory is US$ 7,320,000.

There is a significant shortage of glass bottles in Latin America, so the bidding that is now open for the acquisition of the Alenvidrio factory - the main in Uruguay in the field - represents an opportunity to supply not only the country but also the region.
Bidders must submit their bids on August 29 and the conditions for the sale of the plant en bloc establish a minimum base of US$ 7,320,000.
The assets of the factory, located in the Parque Tecnológico Industrial del Cerro (PTI), which belongs to the Municipality of Montevideo, are valued at US$ 20 million.
The benefits offered include the fact that only the company's assets are being acquired, since the liabilities are not part of the process and will not be the responsibility of the acquirer.
The plant, located 15 minutes from the port of Montevideo and one of the most modern in Latin America, has state-of-the-art equipment and a kiln that is only one year old. It has a maximum production capacity of 3,900 tons per month and the capacity to add 4,250 square meters of indoor storage.
Bids will be accepted with a maximum financing of 50% of the total value for a term not to exceed five years. Prior to submitting the bid, a maintenance guarantee must be provided for a minimum amount equivalent to US$100.00.
The commodatum contract with PTI will be renewed for a term of up to 15 years.
For further information please write to the e-mail address abrunini@uruguayxxi.gub.uy