Uruguay, at the forefront in the use of renewable energies

Publication date: 03/10/2017

Uruguay managed to greatly reduce its energy dependence - historically subjected to climatic conditions and fossil fuels - becoming a net exporter of electricity. This was achieved from an unprecedented increase in renewable energy in the energy matrix, which positioned the country at the forefront of the world in the use of renewable energies.

From a series of measures, Uruguay went from importing energy from Brazil and Argentina to cover the demand for electric power to be a net exporter. Between 2014 and 2016, 1,122 GWh per year were exported, representing 9.5% of the total electricity generated on average.

In recent years, Uruguay has positioned itself at the forefront of the world in the use of renewable energies. Proof of this is the participation of 62% of renewable energies in the primary matrix, while the world average is 19%. In turn, the country occupies the third global position in relation to the level of investments in renewable energies as a percentage of GDP according to the 2016 report of the REN 21

The results respond to the guidelines established by the Uruguayan energy policy - which constitutes a State Policy - and which has made a strong commitment to renewable energies, with important goals of incorporation in the short term and attractive tax advantages that contributed to the development of the sector. In addition, the infrastructure plan 2015-2019 allocates US $ 4,230 million to the energy sector.

The energy transformation experienced by Uruguay corresponds to the important investment made through a model of public-private collaboration, which has proven to be successful and is now replicated by several countries that imitate the Uruguayan process. Both the government and private actors have made investments in the sector, which since 2010 total more than US $ 7,000 million.

In addition to investment incentives, such as the law for the promotion and protection of investments, tax exemptions or the various investment and financing modalities, Uruguay has a privileged location that provides favorable natural conditions for the generation of solar and wind energy, hydraulics and the possibility of generation opportunities from the biomass associated with agroindustrial production.

From the point of view of energy demand, the National Energy Efficiency Plan 2015 -2024 establishes the necessary action lines to promote the efficient reduction of energy demand at the national level, in order to achieve an energy goal avoided of 1,690. Ktep in the period 2015 - 2024.

Both the National Energy Efficiency Plan and the Energy Policy 2005 - 2030 are aligned with the commitment, reaffirmed at the XXI International Conference on Climate Change (COP21) of December 2015 in Paris, to contribute to the mitigation of the emission of greenhouse gases

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