Harvard launches Latin America Research Center in Uruguay

Harvard University, from the United States, joined the LATU Technology Park with one of its business research centers.
Publication date: 25/05/2023

With the participation of President Luis Lacalle Pou, the Harvard Business Research Center was inaugurated in Uruguay. The facility, located in the Los Robles building of the LATU Technology Park, will be the headquarters of the program in Latin America and will provide opportunities for academic collaboration with different universities and research institutes, as well as for innovation in other business areas.

The opening of the Latin American Research Center (LARC) marks a milestone for Uruguay, which expanded its network of technology and knowledge organizations with a new global player in different areas of research and education.

During the inauguration, Harvard researcher and professor Michael Chu declared that “it is a luxury to be in a country that shares the essential values that guide Harvard Business School (...) it is key to be in a country where people want and prefer to live.”

Chu highlighted Uruguay’s respect and protection of freedom of thought and expression and underscored that it is a country where intellectual capital can be born and grow.

The Minister of Education and Culture of Uruguay, Pablo Da Silveira, pointed out the relevance of the academic milestone and affirmed that Uruguay has an enormous development potential, with great dynamism, which favors the development of outstanding projects.

The hierarch expressed that Harvard Business School is the most important in the world, and the headquarters in Montevideo will be the program’s headquarters for the entire continent. “This speaks well of Uruguay,” he said.

He added that LARC provides opportunities for Uruguayan professionals, academics, and companies.

LATU President Ruperto Long underlined the opportunity that the presence of Harvard University in Uruguay also represents for researchers from elsewhere to get to know Uruguay and the region.

Source: Uruguay Presidency
