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Amazon trains talent in Uruguay with INEFOP and FORGE
Intensive training in cloud computing for young people between the ages of 18 and 24 aims to generate job opportunities and strengthen the national technology industry.

Amazon chose Uruguay to join its global talent training initiative and presented the AWS re/Start program, which will be implemented by INEFOP together with Fundación Forge. It is an intensive training in cloud computing that aims to reach 80 young people between 18 and 24 years old this year and will start on September 5.
The initiative follows the entry into force of an agreement signed by the Minister of Industry Omar Paganini and Amazon Web Services (AWS), which seeks to advise and provide computing services in the public cloud, reported Uruguayan newspaper El Observador.
During the presentation of the program, which was also attended by the Ministries of Labor and Industry, it was announced that the objective will be to train young Uruguayans from low-income backgrounds to enter the technology industry and nurture talent in this sector.
In that instance, Minister Omar Paganini underlined the support of Uruguay XXI and INEFOP to make the program a reality. "This is relevant because Uruguay has a mature technology industry, which last year exported more than US$ 1 billion in information technology services and software, which positions us as world leaders in software exports per capita, which has a consolidated technology platform that connects us with the world, fiber optic cable, Internet access and the Ceibal Plan (one laptop per child)," he said.
The minister added that Uruguay demonstrated the maturity of its industry and is taking a leap to position itself as an innovation hub in the region. "One of the critical points for this is talent (...) To have digital talent is to be more competitive as a country," he said.
Lorena Zicker, Director of Public Sector for the Southern Cone of AWS, stated during the presentation that the program seeks to close the talent gap and that its success will be measured by employability.
In a dialogue with Café & Negocios of the newspaper El Observador, Zicker assured that Uruguay is "a reference in innovation and has the motivation to continue positioning itself" and that as a company they want to accompany that will and the journey.
"Uruguay understood the importance of betting on cloud technology, which is in full development, streamlines procedures, provides opportunities and is environmentally friendly. The country is positioning itself in Latin America and has been looking for this for several years, its objective is to set a trend in technological innovation", he summarized to the media.
Learn more about the program at the Smart Talent portal.
Registrations are open here.
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