“Producing in Uruguay feels like paradise”

U.S. regenerative agriculture expert Joel Salatin participated in Agro en Punta and shared his vision on livestock management in Uruguay.
Publication date: 08/02/2024

“One of the beauties I saw in Uruguay was the small olive industry, wine, microbrewery beer; all projects that are part of the diversification of the agricultural economy,” expressed to Uruguay XXI, the American expert in regenerative agriculture Joel Salatin, who participated as a panelist in Agro en Punta, the first agro-export fair of Uruguay that took place in Punta del Este.

For Salatin, this diversification opportunity that Uruguay implements in some sectors creates opportunities for the next generations. He also added that Uruguay produces food that goes far beyond the needs of its population, which is why it “exports a tremendous amount” of agricultural products.

“Based on its climate, Uruguay has many advantages because it doesn’t snow and has more rainfall. So it has a longer growing season; it feels like paradise,” he expressed to Agro en Punta about the country’s production possibilities in this sector.

The expert arrived in Uruguay to promote what he calls “good agriculture,” which he considers will build soil, increase water, increase breathable air, and return resources to rural areas.

“Our land is desertifying; it is losing farmland; it is losing farmers, who are aging; young people are not coming; we are losing nutritious food. We are seeing new health crises, especially in the United States. We want to reverse these negative trajectories, so it is important how we treat the soil, the animals, the plants, and the type of food we bring to the market; all this is part of that redemptive capacity to move the trajectory in a different direction,” he said.

In this sense, he evaluated Uruguay and said, “It is wonderful to be in a country with so many cows. Four cows per person is an incredible ratio.” He added that the country’s warmth and stability, as well as its sense of community, is something he has not seen anywhere in the world. “All I can say is well done, and keep going,” he cheered.

Uruguay stands out on the global stage as an agro-exporting country where favorable natural conditions, advanced use of technology, and access to demanding markets converge to position it as a benchmark in producing agro-industrial goods. With a capacity to feed a population much more significant than its own, Uruguay meets the highest quality standards and is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The country has already demonstrated an ability to intensify its production sustainably, focusing on clean energy and agricultural and livestock practices that minimize environmental impact while ensuring inclusive and equitable economic growth.

In this context, the investment, export, and country image promotion agency, Uruguay XXI, works to promote the country as an attractive investment destination, highlighting its economic strength and political stability and its commitment to sustainability principles. Uruguay’s unique value proposition includes its international recognition for democracy, transparency, and social mobility, as well as its leadership in renewable energy and responsible production practices. The effort to attract investment in the agricultural sector is based on a forward-looking vision, which seeks to consolidate Uruguay as a key agro-exporting trading partner and as a model of sustainable development and equity in Latin America and the world.

“Based on its climate, Uruguay has many advantages because it doesn’t snow and has more rainfall. So it has a longer growing season; it feels like paradise.”
